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What is Net Metering? A Guide to Sunlit Savings

Net metering is a billing mechanism that allows owners of solar power systems to receive credit for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. It is an important policy for promoting renewable energy adoption and making solar power systems financially viable for homeowners and businesses.

Here's how net metering works in a solar power system:

Solar Power Generation:

When a solar power system, such as solar panels, generates electricity from sunlight, it converts it into usable electricity in the form of direct current (DC).

Inverter Conversion:

An inverter is used to convert the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the standard form of electricity used in homes and businesses.

Power Consumption:

The AC electricity generated by the solar power system is used to power the electrical loads within the building, such as lights, appliances, and other electronics. If the solar power system generates more electricity than is being consumed at any given moment, the excess energy is sent back to the grid.

Bi-Directional Metering:

A bi-directional meter is installed to measure both the electricity consumed from the grid and the excess electricity sent back to the grid. This meter records the net difference between the electricity consumed and the electricity generated, hence the term "net metering."

Billing and Credit:

At the end of a billing cycle (usually monthly), the utility company measures the net electricity consumption or generation recorded by the bi-directional meter. If the solar power system generates more electricity than is consumed, the excess energy is credited to the customer's account. This credit can be carried forward to future billing cycles, typically for a specified period, such as a year.

Net Metering Calculation:

The specific calculation methods for net metering can vary depending on the utility company and local regulations. In some cases, the excess energy is credited at the retail rate, which means the customer receives a credit equal to the value of the electricity they would have paid for if they had consumed it from the grid. In other cases, the credit may be provided at a lower rate, often referred to as the avoided cost or wholesale rate.

Energy Billing:

If the solar power system does not generate enough electricity to meet the customer's needs (e.g., during nighttime or periods of high demand), they draw electricity from the grid. The customer is billed only for the "net" energy consumed (i.e., the energy consumed minus the excess energy credited) at the applicable retail rate.

Net metering allows solar power system owners to offset their electricity costs by effectively selling excess electricity back to the grid. It encourages the deployment of renewable energy systems by providing a financial incentive and helps reduce reliance on traditional fossil fuel-based electricity generation.



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